October 23, 2009
October 12, 2009
Missing You
October 8, 2009
Sandwich Game is a 200 game with alternating strikes and spares
I saw my mom's score she had a strike on the last box of her tenth frame. :)
Anyway, here's the good news. After the game the guy in the counter is announcing the winners. By the way, my dad was standing at the counter side, my mom said my daddy was counting his score. So I was waiting for my daddy's position. Unfortunately the second and first place was not my dad, actually it made me sad because I was expecting that he would be either in the second place or first place, and when the champion was declared, we were surprised to hear the winner's name and it was my daddy! hehe. He was the champion in the men's division and I didn't expected that he'll be the champion. Then in the female's division the top 3 was declared and didn't hear my mom's name and later found out that she was in the fourth place.
Anyway, I'm so happy for the both of them.
Congratulations for the both of you and I'm so proud of you.
And let me play bowling again.. :D please.
and both of you promised that you'll be my coach ;)
remember? hehe
snapshot of my daddy playing bowling