November 5, 2009

Mission Failed

posted by Aya Empeo at 09:22
We went to Cavite to meet my friends, to have bonding and everything. We went first at Naddine's house and played her organ then the "i've-been-talking-about-last-entry" guy told us to go to his house to have a MEETING, as the others said to me, we went to his house waited for him for 1 hour and a half minute! anyway, I enjoyed waiting outside and punching Kuya Nico and Alex haha. To make the story short. I met him but I haven't told him anything he was so busy singing or too shy to talk to me and unfortunately I have my curfew so there I haven't confessed anything to him. Too bad, I was ready for confessing anyway it was his fault not mine.
Oh, I have a new brother lol, Kuya Tino wahaha yeah, the storm!! And Naddine gave me her porcelain doll yeah! I was planning to name her Dale still I need Din's permission :D


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